F&I Re (Pty) Ltd
F&I Re (Pty) Ltd
F&I Re (Pty) Ltd
As a partner company of the F&I Group, F&I Re (Pty) Ltd is focused on facultative reinsurance solutions for risks presented by reinsurance brokers and insurers alike. In a market where facultative capacity has become limited and more restrictive, F&I Re is perfectly positioned to deploy capacity via the F&I Lloyds binder.
F&I Re is focused on risks in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia and are able to look at both proportional and XOL facultative solutions on risks which fit our selection criteria in terms of risk type. We write both Property and Liability classes.
F&I Re has no appetite for the following risk classes: - foam rubber manufacturers, manufacturers of foam-related products, mattress manufacturers, paint factories/manufacturers, radioactive usage/materials, recyclers, rubber manufacturers, polystyrene manufacturers, Contractors All Risks (integral to existing risk), contracting/civil mining activities, energy risks including offshore oil and gas.
F&I Re (Pty) Ltd
As a partner company of the F&I Group, F&I Re (Pty) Ltd is focused on facultative reinsurance solutions for risks presented by reinsurance brokers and insurers alike. In a market where facultative capacity has become limited and more restrictive, F&I Re is perfectly positioned to deploy capacity via the F&I Lloyds binder.
F&I Re is focused on risks in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia and are able to look at both proportional and XOL facultative solutions on risks which fit our selection criteria in terms of risk type. We write both Property and Liability classes.
F&I Re has no appetite for the following risk classes: - foam rubber manufacturers, manufacturers of foam-related products, mattress manufacturers, paint factories/manufacturers, radioactive usage/materials, recyclers, rubber manufacturers, polystyrene manufacturers, Contractors All Risks (integral to existing risk), contracting/civil mining activities, energy risks including offshore oil and gas.
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