The Insurance Directory - Goods in transit

Goods in transit

Goods in Transit Insurance, sometimes referred to as GIT, insures goods against loss or damage while being moved from one place to another. We provide cover for the following general categories:

● Professional transport companies transporting cargo on behalf of their clients for compensation

● Part-time transport contractors, like farmers, usually transporting their own goods but occasionally also goods for third parties receiving compensation for their work

● Commercial and Agricultural clients transporting their own goods in or on their own vehicles with a specified maximum load limit per vehicle or with a limit per consignment



Goods in Transit Insurance, sometimes referred to as GIT, insures goods against loss or damage while being moved from one place to another. We provide cover for the following general categories:

● Professional transport companies transporting cargo on behalf of their clients for compensation

● Part-time transport contractors, like farmers, usually transporting their own goods but occasionally also goods for third parties receiving compensation for their work

● Commercial and Agricultural clients transporting their own goods in or on their own vehicles with a specified maximum load limit per vehicle or with a limit per consignment

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